Political rule

I Presidentvalet 2024 och demokratin i Amerika fördjupar Hans Bergström förståelsen av vad som pågår i USA. Hans analys av partierna, politiken, institutionerna och framtiden för världens ledande demokrati ger nya insikter, av stor betydelse även för Sverige.

Boken kom ut i augusti 2024, inför det amerikanska presidentvalet samma höst. Hans beskrev boken själv: "Vad händer om Trump återkommer som president? Det är en av de frågor jag behandlar. Men framförallt syftar boken till att ge djupare insikter i hur politiska processer och institutioner fungerar i USA. Jag törs säga att den är väsentlig, och spännande, läsning för alla som vill förstå vad som händer hos den fria världens ledare."

Hans Bergström är fil. dr. och docent i statsvetenskap. Han var chefredaktör på Dagens Nyheter i två perioder. Han har under lång tid varit en ledande röst i svensk samhällsdiskussion. Han bor sedan 20 år i USA.

"Förenklade budskap och angrepp under en valkampanj ger sällan vägledning för hanteringen av verkliga utmaningar efter ett val. Men 2024 års amerikanska presidentval är exceptionellt i att båda huvudkandidaterna tabubelagt vad som behöver göras och i stället driver förslag som allvarligt skulle förvärra problemen," skrev Hans Bergström i en DI Debatt-artikel två veckor innan valet.

Regeringens direktiv till friskoleutredningen är ett intellektuellt och politiskt haveri. Inte bara skulle förslagen om de genomfördes göra det så gott som omöjligt att driva vidare dagens skolor. Liberalernas partiledning har dessutom omfamnat en socialistisk föreställningsvärld där vinstintresset ses som något i grunden ont, skriver Hans Bergström.

(Debattartikel i Dagens Industri, 10 juli 2023.) Det finns en föreställning i den rättrådiga debatten och nyhetsbilden att det goda statsrådet är en person totalt avskild från kontaktytor. Han eller hon sitter där och tar upplysta beslut, i oväld. Allt annat är korrupt, skriver docenten och debattören Hans Bergström.

You can't assume that "politics" and "authorities" always will be there to successfully balance the greed of open markets. Public power is also exercised by humans - with all the same human flaws, including the need to belong to the cultures where they operate. It is time to demystify the public institutions because they represent so much more than just "public interest". This is Hans Bergströms key message in this text from 2016, published in the online newspaper Kvartal.

In this text, from an anthology from 2014 on a major tax system overhaul in Sweden, Hans Bergström argues against making neutrality in distribution a restriction for a tax reform. The main purpose of a tax reform must be to influence behavior in a way which leads to a higher economic growth over time. The result after, say, 5-10 years is then much more important than the static distribution today. A reform inducive to higher growth will furthermore enhance the ability of the state to finance programs for schools, health care, social insurance etc. The expenditure side of the public budgets are likely more important for equality than a type of taxation which hampers innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and growth.

In a book from 2012 about Swedish research, Hans Bergström contributes with an essay about the relationship between politicians and voters. Politicians tend not to believe that the electorate could not be made interested in the nation´s research and innovation. But they underestimate citizens. The electorate is not just interested in its personal economy, but in fact searching at election time for a grand story about the nation´s future. The essay also presents a reform program for the organization of the central government, in order to make it more effective in promoting policies for long-term success for the country.

John McCain was a legendary US senator, representing the state of Arizona. He became known for his independent streak and personal integrity. He was often labelled a “maverick”. He forcefully advocated an active American foreign policy, in support of freedom. In 2008, McCain was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate, but was defeated by Barack Obama. The book presents the fascinating life and political causes of John McCain, and provides an insightful analysis of American politics.

The government is expected to lead the country, focusing on the main strategic aspects for future success. This book, with original research, analyses how well the Swedish government is functioning for this crucial task. It shows major deficiencies in the ability to intelligently handle qualified reports and inputs from agencies and research, its “reception capacity”. Political logic and paradigms are, though, even more important in taking focus away from the vital conditions for innovation and growth.

Article published on 21 March 2001 on global opinion site Project Syndicate. From the article's opening paragraph: "'Thirteen Days,' a new film about the Cuban Missile Crisis, will soon be showing in many countries. Everyone should see it; not only for its dramatization of the past, but for insights into current events, especially the controversy surrounding America’s plans to establish National Missile Defense and the various regional disputes – India and Pakistan, Taiwan and China, North and South Korea – that may one day escalate into nuclear conflict."

Lecture: Cohesion, Social Justice and the Role of the State


Lecture at the European University lnstitute, Florence, April 2000.

Lecture: Overview of Swedish Politics


The Rippon Educational Fund Conference (with, among others, +50 US Members of Congress), Stockholm, August 1999.

In memory of Bertil Ohlin, the liberal party leader and opposition leader in Sweden for all of 23 years (1944-1967), an anthology was published in 1999. For the anthology, Hans Bergström wrote this text that provides a political science analysis of the roles for parties in opposition. In the Swedish party system, there is a strong tension between negotiating for results and campaign for a change of government. The essay predicts that the Social Democrats with reduced size will meet the same type of dilemmas as the non-socialists have long endured. It also notes that the leader of the opposition has a major impact on which issues are in the center of political dispute, as well as on the intellectual quality of public discourse.

Sweden entered the European Union as a new member on January 1, 1995. One of the first important issues became whether the country as a consequence should change currency, to the Euro to be introduced in 1999. The economist Lars Calmfors led a commission on the issue, which in 1996 recommended a “wait and see” approach. Within the editorial board of Dagens Nyheter, there was a pressure that the paper should strongly push for replacing the Krona with the Euro. Hans Bergström, as chief editor, was hesitant. In a series of editorial articles at the end of 1996, he took a cautious position. These editorial articles were later gathered in separate pamphlet - which now is available here.

Lecture: Political Parties - their role in a democracy


Lecture for Russian politicians at the Moscow School of Political Studies, Moscow, May 1996.

Lecture: Svensk politisk historia och politiska institutioner.


Two-day lecture at the Nordic Journalist Centre in Århus, Denmark, every year 1990-95.

This essay was published in 1992, in the midst of a European currency crisis and shortly before Sweden was to start negotiations for membership in the European Union. It discusses the new conditions for a small nation as a result of the global economy as well as EU membership. It makes the point that Europe needs dynamic differences and fields of social experiments. “The rest of Europe will be more interested in what Sweden can contribute with in terms of creativity than in its ability to implement EU rules. The latter capability is not in doubt by anyone.”

Shortly before the start of negotiations on Swedish membership in the European Union, then vice prime minister Odd Engström gathered a group of Swedes and EU-representatives to discuss European democracy. The three-day conference took place at Häringe castle outside Stockholm. In his contribution, Hans Bergström made the point that EU is establishing itself as a political counterforce to global challenges, but may run into the paradox that it actually contributes to reduced trust in the political system. EU should limit its agenda, accept that many issues are still best handled at the national level and understand that Europe also thrives from interesting dynamic differences.

The liberation from communism in East and Central Europe was an historic event which also raised fundamental questions on how to form functioning democracies where dictatorship had long reined. Hans Bergstrom analyzed this issue in depth in this essay from 1990. He discusses the natural territory, scale and other conditions for a functioning democracy. A serious question in 1990 concerned the territory for new nations. What forms a people, a demos, able to legitimately govern itself? (The essay was published in "Internationella Studier" no 3-4 1990, by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.)

Elections in a democracy are supposed to settle directions and decisions from the elected government. But the relationship between elections and the outcome of decisions is complex. Realities for a government regularly becomes very different from what was assumed during the election campaign. Coalitions and negotiations can also force many deviations from program presented. These and other legitimate deviations between promises and actions are analyzed in the chapter on “a Government´s mandate”.

Lecture: Party Strategies and Party-Voter Linkages- on election strategies and strategies for governing


Lecture at the ECPR (European Consortium for Political Research) Joint Session of Workshops, Rimini, 1988.

This doctoral dissertation from 1987 analyses time as a political factor. Political logic before an election is distinctly different from after an election. Conditions for action early on for a new government are much more favorable than later. A central observation is that the skills required to win an election are totally different from those needed to govern successfully and handle the Executive. Still, the sense of mandate for a new government provides special opportunities at the start, for which a winner is rarely well prepared.

This essay comes from an anthology which was published in 1982, when the cold war was at its coldest. Hans Bergström then wrote in his contribution that no singular change would contribute more to peace than if the Bolsheviks had to abandon their dictatorship over the Soviet Union. The essay further discusses, with reference to the legendary liberal leader Bertil Ohlin, what happens when the state takes upon itself larger tasks than it can handle: decision and information overload, growing corruption and a gradual decrease in trust for democratic institutions.

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